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Sometimes, you feel like you have tried everything. Expensive creams, peels, the latest vitamins, all without any effect. I know it can be really frustrating. Breakouts can cause anxiety, especially when it happens before an important event. Any thinning or unusual falling out of your hair can cause stress.
I get that.
Social media doesn’t help. Majority of women on social media are 19 with perfect skin and hair. It is impossible to compete with. But then, why are you competing?
I do understand. I know not everything is about looks, but we all want to look and feel our best. Looking good gives us confidence. Even if we like to pretend that it doesn’t.
You can improve the look of your skin and hair with a few simple changes and additions. These changes/additions have worked for me and hopefully, they will work for you too. And these additions don’t cost an arm and a leg.
I do want to manage expectations, however. Nutrition can do only so much to improve skin and hair, so don’t expect immediate results.
Following the advice here needs time and consistency.
On this page you will find:
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To help with acne and thinning hair
Brewer’s Yeast: A Skin-Enhancing Superfood
I have talked a lot about the benefits of brewer’s yeast. Brewer’s yeast is rich in B vitamins, including B3 (niacin), B5, and B7 (biotin). These nutrients promote healthy skin by supporting cell regeneration and managing oil production, which helps with acne. Brewer’s yeast is also packed with selenium and zinc—minerals known to reduce inflammation and fight acne-causing bacteria.
Since taking brewer’s yeast, I noticed an improvement in my hair too. The mids and ends of my hair look more nourished and healthier. I feel like my hair is returning to normal after coming off the pill. I think that is down to brewer’s yeast because I noticed and improvement soon after I started taking brewer's yeast.
Studies show that a combination of amino acid L-cysteine and the B vitamins found in brewer’s yeast increased hair growth within 6 months.
How to use:
You can either buy brewer’s yeast tablets or buy it loose. Add loose brewer’s yeast to smoothies, cereals, yoghurt. Anything you like, really.

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To help with inflammation and premature greying
Treacle: A Nutrient-Dense Sweetener
Treacle, also known as molasses, is a natural sweetener with surprising skin benefits. It contains iron, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants, which help fight oxidative stress and promote skin elasticity. Oxidative stress can cause cell damage and lead to numerous diseases, so having an antioxidant rich diet is essential.
Iron also plays a role in reducing dark under-eye circles and promotes healthy hair growth. Iron helps produce healthy red blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen around the body including your hair and skin.
Black treacle is great for iron, especially if you are not keen on eating meat. As long as you know that red meat contains essential amino acids not present in plants.
Fun fact, the sun and many other stars contain iron, just like you do!

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How to Use:
I love a tablespoon of black treacle mixed with a portion of cottage cheese. Its yummy and healthy. I also like to eat black treacle when I really want a sweet snack. I find that black treacle inhibits my sugar cravings.
Don’t go crazy on the black treacle though. It acts as a natural laxative.
Add black treacle to a DIY face mask recipe. Just like you would add honey. Mix a tablespoon of yoghurt with a teaspoon of black treacle. Apply to face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse and moisturise.
To help with a hormone imbalance and blemishes
Evening primrose oil
I think that evening primrose oil is hugely underrated.
I don’t find evening primrose oil being recommended for any skin or hair problems.
Research shows that evening primrose oil effectively reduces acne. Evening primrose oil is full of antioxidants and contains GLA, which helps reduce inflammation.
I can confirm that after taking evening primrose oil consistently, I can see that my skin has definitely improved. I noticed that if I stop taking evening primrose oil, I come out in spots. I found evening primrose oil more effective than any other cheap or expensive cream.
Interestingly, one study has revealed that evening primrose oil helped alleviate symptoms of menopause too. If you have high blood pressure, taking evening primrose oil is not recommended.

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How to Use:
I buy primrose oil in tablet form. If you buy primrose oil supplements, just follow the instructions on the packaging.
Although more research is needed, I am sold on evening primrose oil. It is affordable and effective for me.
Evening primrose oil could work for you too!
To help with dry and sensitive skin
Water and Skin Icing
This should not come as a surprise, but water is a natural hydrator.
I don’t think any moisturiser can have the same effects. Plus, many creams are full of quite suspicious chemicals, which can irritate even normal skin.
You should aim to drink lots of water, more if your skin is dry. I give more details on water in this post.
Although I have not adopted this yet, but it might be worth investing in a water filter. Not those cheap ones which you insert into a jug. An industrial water filter fitted into your water system.
If you are considering a water filter look out for those that filter out microplastics and PFAs.

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Skin icing
I think skin icing is amazing. Skin icing is also versatile. I mean you can make any herbal concoction into an ice cube. Check out my coffee ice recipe here.
I especially love dandelion ice for its high vitamin C content and anti-inflammatory properties. You can find more detail and recipes in my post here.
Plus applying ice helps your skin absorb more water, keeping skin hydrated naturally.
To help with breakouts and oily skin
Eat a healthy balanced diet
Research shows that some foods can contribute to inflammation to include white bread and pastries, fried foods and sugary drinks like cola. However, more research is needed.
What is important is to eat a balanced diet full of fruit and vegetables. Although processed sugar is not good for you, don’t be afraid of an occasional treat. Processed sugar eaten occasionally should not cause severe breakouts.
Breakouts are largely due to hormones and genetics. Most of the time hormones, and at all times genetics are factors that we cannot control.
Rather than cutting every single food item that you suspect may cause skin blemishes, focus on eating healthily.
There is no one thing that you must eat daily to maintain glowing skin.
Well, I am not aware of any such proven food for glowing skin.
Anyone who tries to claim otherwise may be telling you porkies.

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I cannot stress this enough.
If you don’t see instance results then it does not mean that the treatment isn’t working. Beauty, natural beauty anyway, takes time. I find that the lack of patience is one of the main reasons so many people give up. Then people usually move on to another beauty treatment, which equally fails to impress.
I don’t think the expectation of instant result is a healthy one and it doesn’t work.
If you are short on time, and that’s most of us, apply weekly face masks and hair masks. Face and hair masks do not need to be applied daily anyway to maintain healthy skin and hair. As long as you are consistent (and patient), you should see some improvement.
A apply this face mask and choose between these hair masks only once a week.
I don’t think I would stick with it if these beauty treatments had to be done more often.

Odylique Superfruit Concentrate
Does your skin need a little help? Full of antioxidants, this superfuit concentrate will surely provide what your skin needs.
Final thoughts
I don’t like the term “superfood”. There is no such thing. Also, the term superfood gives an unrealistic expectation that it is a “fix everything” food, when it is not.
When I praise black treacle, that doesn’t mean that you should eat black treacle by the tin. Black treacle will not fix all your skin and hair problems.
Instead, have a go at adding some of the foods/supplements I have mentioned and see how your body reacts. You might find that one of these things really helps you, in which case, I’d love to hear from you in the comments.
If you have any suggestions that have worked for you, please share them here too! You might help someone!
Why trust The Clear Sky?
I am an educator and l am passionate about providing your with information about the beauty industry to empower you to make informed choices when spending your money. I take time to research beauty products. I recommend beauty products that are non toxic, have natural ingredients and often plastic free.
With over a decade of personal experience using natural ingredients for skin, hair and body I also provide many beauty tips which are simple, innovative and sustainable.

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